Lake Bonavista School is looking for donations of board games, card games, puzzles and coloring books. If you have any gently used games that your family has outgrown, would you consider donating them to the school?
We are particularly interested in ‘classic’ games, as well as any additional games or puzzles that are appropriate for approximately ages 5-12, multi-player, and support turn taking and collaboration.
Please only send games complete with all pieces, and that do not require batteries, plugging in, or access to computers/tablets or other technology.
Ask your child what they were able to complete today!If you your child was away, please find the details about our weekly tasks here (Note: we haven't started all tasks in this link, yet).
Calvin's Thought of the Week:
“When you are kind to someone in trouble, you hope they’ll remember and be kind to someone else. And it’ll become like a wildfire.” Whoopi Goldberg
Kid President: It's everybody's duty to give the world a reason to dance.
We all need a little encouragement every now and then. Kid President, knowing this, has put together a video you can play each morning as you wake up or to share with your friend who needs a kick in the right direction. We discussed how spreading kindness and encouragement creates a better classroom, a better school, a better neighbourhood ..... a better world.
Students are using their creativity to develop a comic strip or short graphic novel where everyone and everything are made of gingerbread and candies. Ask your child about their stories.
AARCS Fundraiser
A representative from AARCS will be coming to the school on tomorrow, December 17th, to accept our donation. She will be taking a photograph of the students that will be posted on the AARCS social media to show their thanks.
Today we finally tested our bridges. In order to get the maximum grade for durability, the bridge design had to be strong and sturdy. It must held over 2 kilograms of weight, not sagging or failing. Of course we had other criteria to assess the planning, design, teamwork, appearance and modifications during the building process. Before testing we elected the bridge with the best design/appearance and the bridge the students thought would hold most weight.
Popular vote for the strongest bridge
Popular vote for the best design/appearance bridge
Take a look at full rubric assessment for the bridges and the videos with the testing on Seesaw!
AARCS Fundraiser
Thank you so much to everyone who helped support our AARCS fundraiser! We tried to make extra treats last year since the treats were such a hit! We’ve even heard from quite a few families that the recipes we used this year were very well received by the cats and dogs enjoying them!
Our goal was to raise $500 this year and we currently have raised $374. We have sold out of dog treats but still have several cat treats available. We will continue to sell the cat treats on Monday in the office for $3 if you are interested, and will also be taking donations if you would like to contribute. A representative from AARCS will be coming to the school on Tuesday, December 17th to accept our donation. She will be taking a photograph of the students that will be posted on the AARCS social media to show their thanks. She may also be bringing a pet with her - please let us know of any pet allergies.
At the beginning of the year, a form was sent home for families to indicate whether they want their children to be included in the media/third party coverage. We have gone through these forms and will ensure that students who were not given consent to be included will not be in the photo. If you did give your child consent at the beginning of the year but would not like your child to be included in the AARCS photo, please let us know via writing/email before Tuesday morning.
Thanks again for all of your support!
Ms. Midgley, Mrs. Ireland, Ms. Burnham & Mr. Pereira
Unfinished Tasks
& When Your Were Away
Ask your child if they have any unfinished tasks this week!Click here for more information about this week Unfinished Tasks! Please ask your child why he/she was unable to complete his/her assignment(s) during class and sign the form attached to their work.
Help for Chyna
A friend of one of our students is seeking support to pay her dog's vet bills after a surgery. Please see the Facebook post below.
Important dates:
Dec 19 – Thursday: Last Day of School for students
We have an opportunity to receive donations of children’s boots for those in need. If you need boots for your child, please let me know by tomorrow their boot size. Donated boots are new and would be delivered to the school.
Math | Khan Academy: Math can be hard sometimes. The key is practice. Since the beginning of the year, all students have a personalized account for the Khan Academy.
Khan Academy is a free online resource that allows students to learn anytime, anywhere, with material that is uniquely appropriate for them. Students can explore new topics and strengthen their skills by doing practice problems and tutorials. As students learn, their activity feeds into reports that show important information such as strengths and weaknesses in a particular concept. Sample video:
As we are finishing an important unit of addition and subtraction with large numbers. Some students would benefit from reviewing these concepts using this website. They will watch a video explanation and practice a few exercises online. Additionally, we will start 2020 with the key concepts in mathematics of multiplication and division. If they have the opportunity to previously practice these concepts at home using the website, they will be more confident and equipped in class.
If you don’t have your child Khan Academy account and password, please let me know.
Ask your child what they were able to complete today!If you your child was away, please find the details about our weekly tasks here (Note: we haven't started all tasks in this link, yet).
Calvin's Thought of the Week:
“Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice.” Anton Chekhov
The 10,000 hours rule: The secret for success is practice, practice and practice
Today in class we discussed about the secret for success and the research from a book called "Outliers". In this book, Malcolm Gladwell takes us on an intellectual journey through the world of "outliers"-the best and the brightest, the most famous and the most successful. He asks the question: what makes high-achievers different?
His answer is that we pay too much attention to what successful people are like, and too little attention to where they are from: that is, their culture, their family, their generation, and the idiosyncratic experiences of their upbringing. Along the way he explains the secrets of software billionaires, what it takes to be a great soccer player, why Asians are good at math, and what made the Beatles the greatest rock band. In short, what distinguishes top performers is their commitment to hard work, not innate talent. The formula for becoming an expert in one’s field is to put 10,000 hours of deliberate practice into developing relevant knowledge and skills.
Rooms 12, 16, 13 and 4 are doing another fundraiser this year to raise money for the Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society (AARCS). During the daytime and evening winter concert shows on Thursday, December 12th, we will be selling homemade Crunchy Tuna Cat Treats and Wowbutter Banana Dog Bites. Each bag will cost $3 and all proceeds will go towards AARCS to help ensure the animals in their care have their basic necessities this holiday season. Please bring cash if you are interested in purchasing treats for your own pets or as a holiday gift! Thank you for your support!
Volunteers Needed Tomorrow (December 10th): We will be making the dogs and cats treats in class on Tuesday, December 10th If you are interested in joining us in the morning of Dec. 10th, or on Wednesday, December 11th to help with packaging, please send me an email!
Today we worked with paint and chalk pastel to create a winter moonlight scene.
Unfinished Tasks
& When Your Were Away
Ask your child if they have any unfinished tasks this week!Click here for more information about this week Unfinished Tasks! Please ask your child why he/she was unable to complete his/her assignment(s) during class and sign the form attached to their work.
Important dates:
Dec 1o - Tuesday: AARCS Fundraiser - Volunteers Needed
Dec 12 - Thursday: Winter Concert (Room 4 presentation at 7:30pm)
Dec 19 – Thursday: Last Day of School for students
Today we reviewed and practiced 5 different math strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems. Hope you watched us on Seesaw ;)
The vast majority of our classroom said their favourite strategy to solve math problems were using vertical equations. Ask your child their favourite strategy. In class, I always encourage them to use manipulatives and our Montessori materials to solve complex math equations. Below are two videos you can watch with your child to review the key concepts of addition and subtraction when using materials, equations and showing their work with symbols and tally marks.
Our school is participating in the 31stAnnual Mayor’s Food Drive. We will be accepting non-perishable food items for donation to the Calgary Food Bank at all of the performances and throughout December until December 19.
Thank you for your generous donations.
Important dates:
Dec 1o - Tuesday: AARCS Fundraiser - Volunteers Needed
Dec 12 - Thursday: Winter Concert (Room 4 presentation at 7:30pm)
Dec 19 – Thursday: Last Day of School for students