Our Learning Quest this week!
This is our roadmap for this week:
Ask your child what they were able to complete today!
If you your child was away, please find the details about our weekly tasks here (Note: we haven't started all tasks in this link, yet).
Calvin's Thought of the Week:
“Love challenges,
be intrigued by mistakes, enjoy effort and
keep on learning.”
Carol Dweck
Campfire Stories
Everyday we will have someone reading a story for us, around our campfire. Students can choose an appropriate book for their level and read to our class. They are also encouraged to practice their books prior to reading for their classmates. Ask your child about their favourite book to read to their friends!
Important dates:
Oct. 18 - Friday: Book orders | You can also order online at http://www.scholastic.ca/parents/
Nov 12 - Tuesday: Photo Retake Day