Weekly Schedule
We started our week with new learning challenges! This is our roadmap for this week:
If you your child was away, please find the details about our weekly tasks here (Note: we haven't started all tasks in this link, yet).
Today start working on:
- Word Work
- Reading Practice
- Writing Challenge
- Math | Problem of the Week
- Alberta's Regions Presentation: Grassland and Rocky Mountain were presented today
- Science: Daily Observations
Writing Challenge
We are learning how to develop persuasive writing this week. Students discussed when do we need to be persuasive or convince someone to give or to do something for us. Then, they have to choose a topic and someone to write a letter trying to persuade them. Ask your child about their topic!
Some of the ideas we discussed in class:
- Should students be required to wear uniforms?
- Should animals not be used for science experiments?
- Should pets be adopted from a shelter instead of a pet store?
- Should animals not be kept in cages? Should there be zoos?
- Should electronic screen time be limited for kids?
- Should girls be allowed to play on boys’ sports teams?
- Should students be allowed to have cell phones at school?
- Should schools start later in the morning?
Visit our Online Resources page and discover what we are using in class:
Important dates:
Friday | November 30 - Last Scholastic Order before Winter Break
Friday | December 7 - Non-instruction day (No classes for students)
Thursday | December 13 - Winter Concert