What Does Good Writing Look Like?
We looked at four different writing samples from other students and graded them from 1 (need improvement) to 4 (excellent). During our discussions, all students were able to agree between the four examples which one needed more improvement and should be marked as 1 (not meeting grade level requirements).
The vast majority agreed on same order of the other samples, but we had a really good discussion before finding consensus. This activity was designed to help students to better evaluate their own work before hand it in. Ask your child to grade their own work and how they can become even better writers.
The vast majority agreed on same order of the other samples, but we had a really good discussion before finding consensus. This activity was designed to help students to better evaluate their own work before hand it in. Ask your child to grade their own work and how they can become even better writers.
School SpiritWear
Forms were sent today with students. Orders due by Friday | November 23rd
Dear Parents,
Growing Smiles is our current fundraiser and the order deadline is approaching quickly. You can order a variety of Poinsettias, Holiday Planters, a beautiful Wreath and an Outdoor Planter.
To order visit: https://lakebonavistaschool.growingsmilesfundraising.com or return the paper order form to the school by November 22nd. Orders will be ready for pickup on December 3rd between 2:45 and 6:00 pm.
The funds raised by LBIS in previous years have gone to items such as Robotic Kits, Gym Equipment and Field Trips that enrich all our students’ experiences. Thank you for supporting our school.
Wednesday is day to review our weekly work!!!
Today, we review this week's lessons and tasks to make sure we will be able to complete everything by Friday. Students should have their Daily Work Journals to share their accomplishments.
Ask your child which activities they were able to finish so far. Unfinished tasks for the weekend is NOT something we want. We are trying to work hard to give our best in the next two days.
Click here to see this week's tasks!!!
Last Swimming Lesson Tomorrow (November 15th)
- Please don't forget towel, bathing suit, plastic bag, goggles (optional).
Important dates:
Thursday | November 22 - School SpiritWear (orders are due)
Thursday & Friday | November 22 & 23 - Book Fair
Thursday & Friday | November 22 & 23 - Learning Conferences