Thursday, November 15, 2018

Thursday - November 15, 2018

Today students worked extra hard in their last swimming class for this term.
They are taking home tonight their Swimmer Progress Report indicating their recommended next level.

A few weeks ago we planted tomatoes and mystery seeds. Some of them are growing fast. We are making daily observations about the development of each seed and comparing the two different types.

Superhero Creative Writing
For the fans of comics and superheroes the passing of Stan Lee this week was really hard. To honor his legacy, we are designing our own superheroes and villains. Students need to think about the personality traits of their characters and develop a story using descriptive words and details. Ask your child how far their are in their creative process.

Important dates: 
Thursday | November 22  - School SpiritWear (orders are due)
Thursday & Friday | November 22 & 23 - Book Fair
Thursday & Friday | November 22 & 23 - Learning Conferences

Friday | November 30 - Last Scholastic Order before Winter Break