Report cards are coming home today.
This is the first formal report card for your child in the 2018-2019 school year. The report card communicates individual student achievement of the Alberta Programs of Study in the context of our Montessori program. In the white student envelope you will find a report card with curriculum information, explanations of the indicators (letters and numbers) and indicators specific to your child. There is also be a separate page titled “Learning Update” where you will find teachers’ comments. These comments inform you of significant aspects of your child’s learning that include areas of strength and next steps in learning. Thank you for taking the time to read through this important information.Please sign the white student envelope and return to your child’s teacher on or before February 7. You can keep all of the information.
Attendance: There is a change to the way our student information system calculates attendance. To ensure the attendance information about ‘Number of Absences’ is clear, we have included the following statement in the School Notice section of the report cards:
- Attendance is taken twice a day (morning and afternoon), and so each full day absence is counted as 2 absences.
Next Learning Conferences will take place on Thursday, March 21, 2019 and Friday, March 22, 2019.
Art | Enemy Pie
Today students draw pages for a picture book. We listen to the book and they had to create the illustrations based on their own imagination. After they finished, we did a gallery walk to chose their favourites.
This books was chosen because it address how to deal with people "we don't like". Watch the book with your child, if you think he/she needs to learn how to deal with people they don't know very well or have problems with.
Social Studies | Inquiry Project
Students have been working hard to learn about the Mavericks, the extraordinary people who helped shape Alberta. They are working in pairs and small groups with students from Ms. Nielsen's class. They will be presenting their research during our Learning Assembly in a few weeks. We encouraged the students to work on their projects at home, as we had so many cases of students being away because sickness and other reasons.
Every group is using Google Drive to share information between the group members and with their teachers. Click here for the project description and list of recommended websites for their research:
A reminder that we are starting Recorders on February 4!
If your student has their recorder at home it will need to be at school on this day. If you purchased a recorder for your child, they will receive it on February 4 or 5.
As we begin our recorder unit, I wanted to let you know that all of the recorder songs are available online:
Students in rooms 2,3,4, and 5 can access their songs through a student login on Musicplayonline.
- Go to
- Login information should pop up.
- Username: love2
- Password: sing
- Students can go to the recorder tab on the left side of the screen to access the recorder songs we are practicing in class.
If you would prefer your student to have a paper copy of the songs to practice at home, please let me know and I will send home a duotang that can be returned when our Recorder unit is finished.
Students in rooms 7, 16 and 17
I found our Recorder Karate songs posted online by another school. It also includes the music tracks so the students can play along as we practice.
If you would prefer your student to have a paper copy of the songs to practice at home, please let me know and I will send home a duotang that can be returned when our Recorder Karate unit is finished.
Finally, I do have some extra recorders if you didn’t get a chance to order. Please send $3.50 to school with your child if you wish to have one.
Thank you,
Julie Kawchuk
Important dates:
Thursday | January 31 - Report Cards go home
Friday | February 1 - No classes - Non-Instructional Day
Friday | February 1 - No classes - Non-Instructional Day
Tuesday | February 5 - Visit from the Doctors of Audiology - Pin Drop Hearing Centre in Avenida
Tuesday | February 12 - Canadiana Musical Theatre Co is performing Pier 21 at our school
Wednesday | February 13 - Studio Bell Field Trip
Thursday & Friday | February 14 & 15 - Calgary City Teachers' Convention (NO School for students)
Monday | February 18 - Alberta Family Day (NO School)
Thursday | March 21 - Learning Conferences - EveningFriday | March 22 - Learning Conferences - Daytime – NO SCHOOL for students