Weekly Schedule
We started our week with new learning challenges! This is our roadmap for this week:
If you your child was away, please find the details about our weekly tasks here (Note: we haven't started all tasks in this link, yet).
Physical Education - Gymnastics
In order to be safe and enjoy our time during gymnastics here is a few recommendations for appropriate attire:
Head to toe – ready to go!!!
• Head: long hair pulled back
• Ears/Throat/Wrist: jewelry off
• Shirt: one layer shirt
• Waist: tucked in
• Pants: sporty pants or shorts, no belts or zippers
• Ankles: pants rolled up if ankles are covered
• Toes: proper footware, no sandals, boots or flipflops
Important dates:
Thursday | January 17 -Lake Bonavista School Open House for 2019-2020 School Year - 6:30 to 7:30 (For new families registering in our school)
Friday | January 25 - Scholastic Orders are due
Friday | February 1 - No classes - Non-Instructional Day