Our Learning Quest!
We started our week with new learning challenges!
This is our roadmap for this week:
Ask your child what they were able to complete today!
If you your child was away, please find the details about our weekly tasks here (Note: we haven't started all tasks in this link, yet).
Calvin's Thought of the Week:
Champions keep playing until they get it right!
Billie Jean King
LBS Family Dance - School Spirit!
Message from LBS School Council
Would you like to throw a pie on Mr. Pereira's face? That is your chance!!!
Pie Throwing Contest:
Wednesday February 13, 2019
6:30 pm
Admission is $10 per family.
Tickets for the Concession (2 tickets) , Cake Walk (2 tickets) , pie throwing contest (2 tickets) raffle draw ( 2 tickets) are:
5 for $5.00
11 for $10.00
24 for $20.00
Single tickets can also be purchased at the dance (1 ticket for $1.00)
About the event activities: The cake walk is like musical chairs. If you are sitting on the chair that is selected when the music stops - you win a cake!
We need you to bring cakes/cupcakes for the cakewalk - they can be homemade or store bought cakes, cupcakes, cookies, baked goods etc. Nut-free / peanut-free preferred but if it has nuts, please label accordingly
We still need Volunteers for March 19th
We are going on a field trip to the Studio Bell in Downtown and we need at least five volunteers to chaperone our students. Please send me an email if you are available on this day.
It will be a full day field trip from 8:00am to 2:00pm.
Message from the Yearbook Committee
We have sold 91 yearbooks out of our contracted amount of 175 yearbooks.
Did you know? à This is a volunteer activity put on by parents to take the photographs and compile the yearbook each year for our students. We are looking for your support so we can continue to offer the yearbooks to our students in the future. You can order your yearbook at https://ybpay.lifetouch.ca and enter the Yearbook ID code 11352719. Detailed steps are capture in the attached document à Ordering and confirmation of yearbook orders.pdf
You can also confirm whether or not you have already placed an order using these same instructions. Thank you for your support.
Important dates:
Tuesday | February 12 - Canadiana Musical Theatre Co is performing Pier 21 at our school
Thursday & Friday | February 14 & 15 - Calgary City Teachers' Convention (NO School for students)
Monday | February 18 - Alberta Family Day (NO School)
Tuesday | March 19 - Studio Bell Field Trip (Please come volunteer with our class!!!)Friday | March 22 - Learning Conferences - Daytime – NO SCHOOL for students