“Have you ever wondered how authors turn their ideas and stories into books? How a graphic novel comes together? How illustrators can capture a story with a picture? How poetry is inspired and created? The Calgary Young Writers' Conference has the answers to these questions and much, much more! Fun and interesting sessions by real authors and illustrators will turn your curiosity and love of reading and writing into a masterpiece.”
- Calgary Young Writers Conference
This field trip will be held on Saturday the 27th of April, 2019 at Robert Thirsk High School (8777 Nose Hill Dr. NW) from approximately 8:00am - 3:00pm. Students will need to be dropped off and picked up by an adult and will be supervised by LBS staff while during the conference. The cost of this conference is $50 per student and only 15 students from LBS can attend. An information meeting for students who are interested will be held in the Learning Commons on Tuesday, February 19th to discuss further details about the conference and the selection process.
Let kids be bored again to prepare them for a realistic future, says columnist on The New York Times
As we face with a long weekend ahead, this interesting article about how boredom might help us to shine a new light on the issue of keeping our children minds and bodies occupied all the time.
According with the columnist, "boredom teaches us that life isn’t a parade of amusements. More important, it spawns creativity and self-sufficiency.
“I’m bored.” It’s a puny little phrase, yet it has the power to fill parents with a cascade of dread, annoyance and guilt. If someone around here is bored, someone else must have failed to enlighten or enrich or divert. And how can anyone — child or adult — claim boredom when there’s so much that can and should be done? Immediately.
But boredom is something to experience rather than hastily swipe away. And not as some kind of cruel Victorian conditioning, recommended because it’s awful and toughens you up. Despite the lesson most adults learned growing up — boredom is for boring people — boredom is useful. It’s good for you.
The ability to handle boredom, not surprisingly, is correlated with the ability to focus and to self-regulate. "
Read the entire article at: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/02/opinion/sunday/children-bored.html
or at https://startsat60.com/discover/lifestyle/relationships/children-boredom-helpful-new-york-times-pamela-paul
TED Talk
How boredom can lead to your most brilliant ideas
"Do you sometimes have your most creative ideas while folding laundry, washing dishes or doing nothing in particular? It's because when your body goes on autopilot, your brain gets busy forming new neural connections that connect ideas and solve problems. Learn to love being bored as Manoush Zomorodi explains the connection between spacing out and creativity."
While you were Away & Unfinished Tasks
Remember, if your child missed a few days of school, they can try to catch up going into our Google Drive Shared folder. Click here!
Unfinished Tasks: Ask your child if they have any unfinished tasks this week!
Unfinished Tasks: Ask your child if they have any unfinished tasks this week!
Click here for more information about this week Unfinished Tasks! Please ask your child why he/she was unable to complete his/her assignment(s) during class and sign the form attached to their work.
Important dates:
Thursday & Friday | February 14 & 15 - Calgary City Teachers' Convention (NO School for students)
Monday | February 18 - Alberta Family Day (NO School)
Thursday | February 21 - For Pita's Sake
Tuesday | March 19 - Studio Bell Field Trip (Please come volunteer with our class!!!)
Thursday | March 21 - Learning Conferences - Evening
Friday | March 22 - Learning Conferences - Daytime – NO SCHOOL for students