Hats On! For Mental Health
Tomorrow - May 1, 2019
Wear a special hat to school tomorrow to raise awareness of the importance of good mental health.
Today we had a wonderful visit from one of our parents that work on her daily life with mindfulness and wellness. She discussed the importance of awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment. She also taught us to focus on our breathing, heart beating and the sounds from different singing bowls to focus and be present in the moment. In our classroom, we have a mindfulness corner when we feel overwhelmed or need a brain break. Ask your child, what are their tools when they feel stressed or anxious.
Important dates:
May 1 – Mental Health Day - Hats on!
May 10 – Volunteer Celebration
May 17 – Non- Instructional Day May 23 – Discovery Night ~ New Parent Welcome to School 6:30 pm
May 28 - School Council meeting at 6:30 pm.