Monday, April 29, 2019

Monday - April 30, 2019

Our Learning Quest this week!

We started our week with new learning challenges! 
This is our roadmap for this week:

Ask your child what they were able to complete today!
If you your child was away, please find the details about our weekly tasks here (Note: we haven't started all tasks in this link, yet).

Calvin's Thought of the Week:
"Winners never quit
and quitters never win.”

Vince Lombardi

Math & Health | Inquiry Research Project at Home
How many teaspoons of added sugar do you eat in one day?

Last week, we learned how to read nutrition facts labels and calculated how many teaspoons of sugar a girl named Susan consumed in a typical day. This week, we will calculate how many teaspoons of sugar each one of us consume. Students are taking home a checklist (image below) to help them calculate what they eat. They can write the information at home and bring their work to calculate in the classroom.


LBS Volunteer Celebration 
Please join us for tea!  We will treat you to delicious treats and student entertainment.

Date: Friday, May 10, 2019
Time: 11:00am
Location: Lake Bonavista School Gymnasium

Please RSVP to on or before May 8th.
Please indicate the number of adults attending.
Note that we do not have supervision or space for non-school children.

Important dates: 
May 10  – Volunteer Celebration 
May 17 – Non- Instructional Day 

May 23 – Discovery Night ~ New Parent Welcome to School 6:30 pm 
May 28 - School Council meeting at 6:30 pm.