![Image result for seesaw website](https://s.smore.com/u/thumbs/thumb-50ad89485a2b838ee8e53eac076bc0f8.png)
Students' Online Portfolio!
Seesaw is a student-driven digital portfolio that empowers students to independently document what they are learning at school. Weekly, students will share their learning with their parents. Seesaw is private. You’ll only see posts created by your child. We expect that families have more opportunity to follow up and support their children learning. This week we just started using this tool.
How to access your child's work?
From Your Computer
1. In a web browser, go to:
2. Choose your child from the list
3. Create your account
4. Once you’re approved by me, you’ll
get access to Seesaw
Ask your child if she/he was able to post some artifacts on Seesaw today!
Don't worry! We just started using and they will have lots of things to show!!!
![Image result for buddies](https://buddiestoothpaste.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Buddiestoptips-512x256.jpg)
Meeting our new buddies
Today we met our little buddies from Ms. Midgley's classroom. We interviewed each other and learned the things we had in common and our differences. Ask your child the name and something they have learned about their buddy!
Unfinished Tasks & When Your Were Away
During work period, students work independently, with a partner or in small groups to complete their daily tasks. For many different reasons, sometimes they need extra time to finish their assignments. In class, we have our “Ketchup Working Period”, when they have extra time to complete their work. Students that have completed their tasks have the opportunity to read, research about something they are passionate about, play math games, explore our Montessori materials and a few different responsible choices.
If at the end of the week, students still haven’t completed their tasks, they take them home. We know that students have busy lives outside of school and homework might be difficult to align with other family activities. However, it is important for students to be responsible for their own work and be able to manage their time inside the classroom.
If your child has some unfinished work, please ask him/her why they were unable to complete their work in class. We have been discussing about strategies to help us focus, avoid distractions, use our schedule/checklist to keep track of our work and ask for help to complete our learning tasks. Please let me know if you have special strategies that work with your child.
Ask your child if they have any unfinished tasks this week!
Important dates:
Sep. 21 - Friday: Professional Development Day (No-school for students)
Sep. 26 - Thursday: Open House and Welcome Back BBQ
Oct. 10 - Thursday: ADmazing Savings - Last Day to return the envelopes with the book orders
Sep. 26 - Thursday: Open House and Welcome Back BBQ
Oct. 10 - Thursday: ADmazing Savings - Last Day to return the envelopes with the book orders