Our Learning Quest this week!
This is our roadmap for this week:
Ask your child what they were able to complete today!
If you your child was away, please find the details about our weekly tasks here (Note: we haven't started all tasks in this link, yet).
Calvin's Thought of the Week:
“Apologies don’t mean anything if you keep doing what you are sorry for.”
Writing Challenge
What Does Good Writing Look Like?
Today we looked at four different writing samples from other students and graded them from 1 (need improvement) to 4 (excellent). During our discussions, all students were able to agree between the four examples which one needed more improvement and should be marked as 1 (not meeting grade level requirements).
The vast majority agreed on same order of the other samples, but we had a really good discussion before finding consensus. This activity was designed to help students to better evaluate their own work before hand it in.
The vast majority agreed on same order of the other samples, but we had a really good discussion before finding consensus. This activity was designed to help students to better evaluate their own work before hand it in.
The Writing Challenge for this week, students are encouraged to use a graphic organizer to list their ideas before developing their stories. After finishing their stories, students are encouraged to use a Writing Checklist that helps them reread and edit their own work. Also, they can ask a friend to read their work and give a constructive feedback.
Ask your child to grade their own work and how they can become even better writers.
ADmazing Savings Coupon Books
ADmazing Savings Fundraiser has begun! The proceeds from this fundraising activity will be used directly in your child’s classroom. Books are available for $25.00 each, of which Lake Bonavista will use $10.50 for the benefit of our students.
If you wish to take advantage of these discounts, please complete the order form printed on the back on the ADmazing envelope, and enclose the correct amount of money - $25.00 per book ordered. - directly to your child’s classroom teacher by Thursday, October 10th, 2019 or earlier.
This year there is a free app included in each coupon book. Please ensure if you are returning the book that you have not scratched off the code area for the app, as the book will not be returnable if the code is visable.
Additional books for Calgary, Edmonton, Red Deer or Southern Alberta may be ordered at $25.00 each for family, friends and relatives. If you wish to order additional books, please send your order as soon as possible to your child’s teacher so that the order can be filled. As a school, we discourage door-to-door solicitation.
Important dates:
Sep. 20 - Friday: Professional Development Day (No-school for students)
Sep. 26 - Thursday: Open House and Welcome Back BBQ
Oct. 10 - Thursday: ADmazing Savings - Last Day to return the envelopes with the book orders