![Image result for admazing savings](https://admazingsavings.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/YYC_2019.png)
ADmazing Savings!
Today, students are bringing home the ADmazing Savings coupon book, envelope and information package. The book contains discount coupons for many products and services commonly used by families attending our school. The proceeds from this fundraising activity will be used directly in our classroom.
If you wish to tale advantage of these discounts, please complete the order form printed on the back of the ADmazing envelope, and enclose the correct amount - $25. per book - directly to Mr. Pereira by Thursday, October 10 or earlier. If you do not wish to purchase or sell a coupon book, please return it to your Mr. Pereira.
Cash or Cheques will be accepted this year. Please make cheques payable to: Lake Bonavista School.
![Image result for cellphone ban in school](https://i2.wp.com/andrewscampbell.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/no-cellphones-35121_960_720.png?fit=720%2C720)
In our classroom, we use technology daily to support our learning. However, students are not allowed to use their own devices (cellphones or iPads) in the classrooms or during outdoor recess.
Parents can always reach their child calling the main office. If you have safety concerns and the use of cellphone is necessary, during school hours, they must be kept on silent mode, in their backpack and students cannot check for new messages/calls during the day.
Please remember that young students get easily distracted. Mobile devices might get in the way of their learning, even when away in their backpacks, as they can't stop thinking about it.
If you have any concern or additional questions, please do not hesitate in call me or send me an email.
Important Dates:
Sep. 21 - Friday: Professional Development Day (No-school for students)
Sep. 26 - Thursday: Open House and Welcome Back BBQ
Oct. 10 - Thursday: ADmazing Savings - Last Day to return the envelopes with the book orders