Monday, September 9, 2019

Monday - September 9, 2019

Our Learning Quest this week!

Every week, students will receive a checklist to help them track their work. We have daily tasks (e.g. Word Work) and tasks they can do any day of the week (e.g. Problem of the week). Before every task, students receive a lesson. We don't cover all tasks on the first day of the week. 
Parents are welcome to look at the tasks online and ask their child questions about what they are doing in class.  

This is our roadmap for this week:

Ask your child what they were able to complete today!
If you your child was away, please find the details about our weekly tasks here (Note: we haven't started all tasks in this link, yet).

Calvin's Thought of the Week:
Everything you don’t know 
is something you can learn.

Math | Problem of the Week
We discussed the best way to solve math problems is to try to simplify and make sure we understand the question. We learned how to use the C.U.B.E.S. strategy to analyze the problem and solve it in a few steps. Ask your child if they finish their math problem today.

In our classroom, we always try to think how to do our best. Sometimes we can become overwhelmed and  anxious. In order to help our students deal with frustration and stress and started reading the book "Stress Less" by Helaine Becker. Today we read the first chapter and discussed how everyone is unique, sometimes things go wrong and how to deal when we have a setback.


Important dates: 

Sep. 20 - Friday: Professional Development Day (No-school for students) Sep. 26 - Thursday: Welcome Back BBQ